Un-Branding with Sharon McKeeman

Uncovering the artist you truly are and building a platform to be heard

Are you frustrated that your branding just isn’t you or is exhausting to keep current? Or are you just starting out and have no branding? Do you feel like your voice as an artist isn’t being heard? You need space for your voice to be heard and your work to be valued.

Why spend tons of money and time having someone construct a brand for you? Your voice as an artist is what you have to offer the world! Free yourself to focus on creating powerful images and connecting with clients and the photography community instead of spending your resources keeping up with branding.

You have a unique voice and deserve to be heard! You’re an artist and your artwork needs space – an online gallery and a focused message free of distractions. Whether you have been a photographer for years or are just starting out, Un-branding can help you take the next steps forward in your journey.

This course will help you ‘un-brand.’ You will be given tools to uncover your unique voice and purpose as a photographer and strip away distracting or outdated branding without disrupting your business. You will also learn how to create simple, professional DIY business cards, marketing materials, logos, and blogs; and you can build and test-run a custom SQUARESPACE website for free. Sharon, a photographer, writer and art educator, will also teach you how to write powerful content for your website and blog, and help you curate your work so that what you show the world will have impact and draw clients that inspire you.

Workshop details

The workshop details are stated below. Please read them carefully as each workshop may be different.

Workshop Dates


Next scheduled run date: TBD.

Pricing Information

Active seats | Sale price $250 (regularly $300)

Silent seats | Sale price $200 (regularly $250)

Active seats offer the full benefits of the online workshop: students get to participate within the workshop section, ask questions, email Sharon and get critique on their assignments where applicable. Active students will receive the PDF at the conclusion of the class with the information from the workshop.

Silent seats are read-along only. They will be able to view all of the workshop material but cannot ask questions, email Sharon or render critique on their assignments. However, a separate section will be available where silent students can interact with each other and post assignments if they choose. Silent students will also receive the PDF at the conclusion of the class with the information from the workshop.

Registration Details

Check back soon.


In order to participate in this workshop, you must be a member of the Bloom Forum. However, you do not have to be a forum member during the time of registration.

This class is for students who feel their current branding is distracting or outdated, AND it’s for students who are just starting out and don’t have a brand yet. If you feel that your branding no longer reflects who you are OR if you are staring at a blank screen wondering where to start, this class will help you strip away distracting/outdated branding, create a vision, and build an online space to showcase your work. AND you don’t have to be a professional photographer – if photography is your hobby, this class will give you the tools to share your work online, connect through social media, and grow artistically.


In order to participate in this workshop, you must be a member of the Bloom Forum.  However, you do not have to be a forum member during the time of registration.

Once you register your PayPal receipt will act as your confirmation to the workshop.

If your Paypal email address is not your daily contact email, please contact Sharon at CONNECT@SHARONMCKEEMAN.COM and let her know. The only email she will have on file is your Paypal one and that will be the one she will use to contact you unless otherwise noted.

No refunds are given once a seat is purchased, however, you can sell your seat on your own.  If you do, please get in touch with the teacher and advise her/him of the seat transfer.

The workshop will be open for two months after the workshop ends for students to gather and save information.  Please note that the teacher will not be available to answer questions during this period.

If you have any questions regarding the content of the workshop, don’t hesitate to email the teacher.  For all other questions, please feel free to send us an email at EVERYTHINGBLOOM@GMAIL.COM.

Course syllabus

This is an online interactive workshop where students work at their own pace within the allotted workshop dates. With all Bloom Workshops, students are not required to log in at specific times of the day so no worries if you reside in another country, people from all over the globe participate in our workshops.

Week One


BENEATH THE BRANDING:  Uncovering your artistic voice

Week Two


GOODBYE BRANDING:  Giving your true voice freedom

Week Three


THIS IS ME:  Writing powerful content & curating your work

Week Four


ALL THAT JAZZ:  Refreshing every aspect of your image – DIY logos, business cards, marketing materials, blogs & social media

Week Five


UN-BRANDING FOR LIFE:  Dreaming & doing things differently – creating projects for growth & impact

* Students receive an Un-branding BONUS LESSON made up of screencasts that walk them through creating a custom SQUARESPACE website. There is a 14 day Squarespace free trial & Sharon will answer questions & offer support on building a Squarespace portfolio site during weeks 1-5.

Active Participation | $250

Silent Participation | $200

Un-branding with Sharon McKeeman
Un-branding with Sharon McKeeman

I took this class to push me to finish the Squarespace website that I had been working on for almost a year, but hadn’t had the confidence to publish. I wasn’t sure how much I would get out of the class as I was already very familiar with how to use Squarespace, but this class is so much more than how to build a website. This class gave me the confidence to follow my instincts and exhibit my work in a clean white space, clear from the clutter of design and redundant words. Sharon is an inspiring and generous teacher who gives her all and then some during the course. The course materials and discussion they generated were wonderful and I looked forward each week to receiving and completing a new assignment.

Nicola Un-Branding Alumni

I was super excited for this class – I thought it would be the magic trick to make my website perfect. Guess what, it wasn’t magic, it was work! But you know what? I learned more from this class then I ever thought I would. Because I found that it not only helped me with my website, but helped me find my vision – helped it to become clearer and more cohesive – and show that on my website.
The exercises were incredibly helpful – and now I have a website that is more me. I’m so glad I didn’t spend endless more money on templates I never end up being happy with. 
Great class and Sharon is an amazing resource! Take this class!!

Kelly Un-Branding Alumni

This class was such a gift! While certainly a website will always be a fluid creation, I have created a foundation as the best reflection of myself and my work. I feel like I was given a “get out of jail free” card, with the concept of un-branding. I always felt like I was kind of faking it, and not really a professional until I had all the branding jazz… now a giant weight is lifted that says, it is OK, you are enough.

Jessica Holleque Un-Branding Alumni

I entered this class knowing that I really needed help with my online presence. I’d been sucked into the mentality that I had to spend thousands of dollars and loads of time ‘branding’ my work. What this class and Sharon helped me to see is that in actual fact I am my brand! I don’t need superficial logos or fancy marketing to impress anyone, I needed to strip away my confusing and difficult to navigate website and get back to the reasons why I picked up a camera in the first place. I loved this class, and Sharon is the perfect blend of honesty, clarity and encouragement.

Katherine Wilson Un-Branding Alumni

I’m overjoyed that the site is cohesive, no longer feeling like it wasn’t there.. it was feeling bland. The new site looks and feels like me! I struggled with ProPhoto, feeling completely inept to now having a gallery that I love and that showcases my work in a way, that I never could have imagined. There’s such a freedom there , thank you Sharon for Unbranding me, giving me freedom and helping me to bring everything together into a site that I love (only took me 7 years.. but I finally have something I’m happy with!)

Lorraine Un-Branding Alumni

I initially took Un-branding to help guide me through setting up my first website from scratch, having a finished product with simple clean lines, and having the workshop keep me on track. What I gained was so much more. Sharon has a unique way of being able to really understand what you are saying. The advice offered was fantastic, support was offered, and confidence was gained. I felt challenged, and appreciated all of Sharon’s thoughts, suggestions, and honesty. And bonus, I have a website now which I really love.

Jessie Un-Branding Alumni

Why do I want to forgo branding? I don’t feel like branding is me or the way I want to share my art with others. I began photography out of a need to connect with the world around me. I am not here to sell a corporate idea. I am here to build stories with others. So long story short, I want the world to just know me, not a brand. 
I feel like Sharon really understand this about me and has led me on the path of sharing my story with others in a true and authentic way.

Karen Leann Un-Branding Alumni

Going into Unbranding, I didn’t think I would change that much about my business or approach. I was pretty happy with my website, etc. but the further we went into the class, the more I realized that there were so many ‘industry standards’ that I didn’t question. Simply put, Sharon and her kind teachers-spirit allowed me to explore my own vision and, armed with that knowledge, I was finally able to start on the right path for me and my business. Through this class, I ended up becoming so much better at expressing myself through writing, understanding the importance of fiercely staying true to my own vision, and not worrying about likes or popularity. If you can only take one class this year, take this one!

Emily Anderson Un-Branding Alumni

Unbranding was the perfect class for me. I had outgrown my old business name and branding, but was totally stuck as to what to do next. Unbranding helped me to strip away my old junk and start over fresh with a new simple place to showcase my work. It provided a community of like-minded photographers to share in the journey. From choosing images to how to organize the site as well as providing a community encouraging one another to share our work and continuing to grow as artists – the class was well balanced and meaningful. Sharon provided timely and encouraging feedback as well as access to new knowledge along the way. Amazing class!

Sarah Swanson Un-Branding Alumni

Un-Branding was and continues to be an amazing experience. As a hobbyist I was concerned this was not the right fit for me, after all I didn’t have a business to unbrand. I am so glad I was wrong… Sharon is an amazing, encouraging and inspiring instructor. This class was really all about creating the images that truly represent who I am, and honoring my work by creating a dedicated gallery where they can be displayed, shared and enjoyed. This class is also about clearing clutter to allow your voice to shine through your work. It was such a fun and enjoyable experience, and at the end I have this amazing space (website) that reminds me of how hard I have worked, how much I have grown and how happy this hobby makes me.

Daniela Un-Branding Alumni

As a hobbyist I did not think this class was for me and it turned out to be one of my absolute favorites. This class is about much more than building a website. It is about recognizing your voice and vision. The clarity gained from creating this space has continued to inspire me when creating images. Sharon’s lessons are in-depth and her feedback was encouraging and genuine. Having an online space has given me a place to participate in photography projects, reflect on my images, and connect with other artists.

Jackie Cuervo Un-Branding Alumni

I took Un-branding during its first run. It has been one of my favorite classes so far! I really wasn’t sure what to expect but I knew I wanted something different then my prior website and after a couple of my other friends decided to sign-up, I joined them. It was so much more then designing a website. There was so much on creating your vision and allowing your voice as well as your work show who you are as an artist. Sharon is a wonderful instructor and her lessons were well prepared and thorough…her feedback on assignments was also very in-depth and detailed. I have continued to participate in the alumni FB group and it continues to be supportive and encouraging.

Kari Wattenbarger Un-Branding Alumni

Un-Branding alumni

It's not just a class, it's a jumping off point.

Meet Sharon

sharon mckeeman

Sharon currently calls Southern California home although she is originally a mid-western girl. She fell in love with image-making while reading her grandparents’ old National Geographics and watching slideshows of their trips across the West on their old film projector. She earned a bachelor’s degree in art education, and has been committed to education since then, first picking up a DSLR after her children were born. Wanting to capture the messy beauty of life as a mother, she traded her paintbrushes for a camera, documenting her own family and her clients’ lives, and inspiring other photographers with her classes. Sharon is also a writer who contributes to various online and print publications including AGLOW MAGAZINE, WILD+ FREE COMMUNITY, DEEPLY ROOTED MAGAZINE and DRIFT JOURNAL. She shares on her blog about her journey as a homeschooling mama to three boys and life with her awesome hubby.