Alyse Lakeman + The Story Behind
We are so excited to have Alyse on the blog today for our series The Story Behind. If you didn’t see this super sweet photo shared all over IG then you missed it. We spotted it in our IG tag and didn’t miss a beat in sharing it with our followers. It is hands down one of the sweetest and enduring newborn images we have ever seen and with over 2800 likes, many people agreed. So let’s give a warm Bloom welcome to Alyse and keep reading to learn how this image came to be.
IG Handle:.
When did you discover your passion as a photographer?
I discovered my passion for photography when I was just out of high school in 2012. I would always be posing people even if they were just taking a selfie with their cell phones. I was in a class where I initially learned about photography in high school, but then forgot everything I learned after graduation, but when I caught myself always taking photos of people on my phone, I then decided to take a course at SAIT in Calgary to refresh my memory, and the rest is history!
What inspires your art?
My biggest inspiration is my Mom. She sadly lost her battle with cancer back in 2016. She had always taught me from a young age to always cherish every moment, to live in the present, and appreciate the little things. I then realized that I could do that for people but in the form of a photograph. It is the closest thing to a time machine I can offer. When my clients look back at their images my goal is to ensure that they can take themselves back to that exact moment and relive it.
Where is your favorite place to create/photograph?
I love to photograph in places that are most comfortable and that have a special meaning/connection for my clients. It is always so amazing to hear the story behind their choice of location whether it is in the mountains, prairies, or their living room!
Tell us about your creative process.
My creative process always begins with scouting the area my clients have chosen or that I have chosen, and just looking around and seeing how the light hits, where there could be some framing (ex. Tree’s), and what spots fit my clients vision. Everyone is different so I always want to know what makes couple/family/new born authentically them, and incorporate that. I don’t “pose” per say, (except for new born sessions because they need mom’s assistance), but I like to photograph my clients just as they are. Once I see their vibe, I’ll guide from there and my clients always fill in the gaps. Once our session is finished, it always ends in hugs because that’s a must 🙂 I am always so excited to rush home and up load my SD card onto my computer to edit in Lightroom. I always love warmth in an image, so I always veer to yellow/orange tones. I am a huge lover for the sunset, so I always ensure to emphasize that in my images as well. If shooting in a nursery or anything in home, I always check to see how the natural lighting hits, and where to create beautiful shadows and highlights! I always stop to scroll back over to double check, especially with kids in a group shot, to see if all eyes are open and everyone is looking at the camera to the best of their ability. Once all images are edited, gone over a couple time to make sure everything is how I’d like it, and ready to go, they are delivered on an online gallery where my clients can develop, save, send, and share with all family and friends!
Where was this photo taken?
This in home new born photo was taken in a beautiful nursery in Strathmore, Alberta, Canada.
DSLR, iphone, instant or film?
DSLR | Canon 5D Mark iii | 35mm lens.
What were your camera settings for this image?
This photo was taken in a nursery with natural lighting. 1/100, f1.8 and IS0 100.
Can you tell us “The Story Behind” this shot?
With babies, especially newborns, I always want to make sure to capture all of their cute little features. Babies grow so extremely fast, and time flies by, so I want to be able to capture everything from their nose, ears, dimples, and cute little toes for their parents to look back on and smile.
What speaks to you about this image? What specifically made you press the shutter?
I just love how he’s stacked his little legs, and stretched out his toes to show them off! I also am in love with the emerald green swaddle his mom picked out. It goes so well with the mood of this image.
What was your composition technique with this shot?
I shot this image through the slats of the babies crib to be at the same level, so I could get the most detail of his sweet little toes instead of standing over top.
Did you have any lighting challenges/How did you light the image?
The nursery was a little dark as they had tint on their windows in the nursery, but thankfully there was enough natural light to make it work! I made sure to always have him facing the window so the light could reach him and even out.
Did you use any special techniques – freelensing, prism, etc?
I didn’t use any special techniques, just made sure to always have him facing the light.
Was this photo happenstance or did you visualize it prior? If so, how did you envision the image and set up for it?
Every new born session I always share with the parents what I usually like to capture and it’s always a huge yes when wanting to get all of the babies features as well as other images. Capturing the little toes is always a must! Usually the outcome of the image depends on the baby as some like to be swaddled, and some don’t.
Did you use a preset to edit this image, your own selective edits or a combination of both?
I always use GPresets! I love the muted tones and mood it gives my images.
Do you have any addition information you would like to share with our readers?
I am also a wedding photographer @alyselakemanphotography on Instagram! It all ties into lifestyle in a wonderful cycle! It is always so amazing to meet my couples and shoot their engagement, wedding, maternity, newborn and family sessions after that! It is just a never ending cycle of happiness. Being able to be apart of so many amazing milestones for my clients is such a blessing. Not only do I get to take their photos, but I get to make amazing friends as well. I love my job!
Continue to follow more of Alyse’s stunning work at the link below: