Search results for: The Story Behind

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image via Sharlene Britton · 5 ways to grow your creativity and productivity at the same time. · Prepping for a vista overseas this summer? 22 ambassadors recommend the one book to read before visiting their country. · “In Her […]

image via Evelyne Lourenco · Tell me Netflix’s Kodachrome doesn’t look completely amazing. (NSFW) · Are you right-handed photographer who uses their left eye??? · Harry Potter, coffee and wi-fi and 9 other things that wouldn’t exist without women. · Gosh […]

<h6><em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">A Journey into Self Portraiture</a></em></h6> As both human beings and artists we tend to be our own harshest critiques. Creating art that both celebrates our favorite traits and shines a light on our fears and doubts can be extremely liberating and healing. Self-Portraiture is much more than a “selfie”. Through vulnerability and courage, self-portraits reveal so many pieces of our unique story. In this downloadable Flourish course, Sara will take you through her approach to self-portraiture and guide you in discovering your voice and tapping into the artist that lies within. Sara will discuss how she uses light, movement, and body language to make creative self portraits, revealing the beautiful pieces of who we are. She shares the techniques she uses to create self-portraits, mastering focus, utilizing both ambient and artificial light, and exploring concepts that help you tell the most personal of stories; the ones we cannot explain with words. Come behind the scenes on a self-portrait session with Sara, see how she sets up her shots and ‘models’ in front of the camera. In the editing video that follows, she will share her post-processing workflow. Whether you are new to self-portraiture or want dig deeper into the art, this e-course will explore vulnerability and the celebration of you. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Click here for more details</a>. Included in the e-course: <ul> <li>A PDF including all lessons, discussions and images from the course.</li> <li>2 videos of Sara shooting self-portraits.</li> <li>2 editing videos.</li> <li>A second PDF including a list of gear and resources that Sara uses for self-portraiture.</li> <li>3 detailed lessons.<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></li> <li>4 assignments so you can practice your new found skills.</li> <li>A recorded Q & A video from questions received during the course duration.</li> </ul> <em><strong>Please note:</strong> You will need to be able to open PDFs, .mov and .mp4 files to access the course material. Due to the nature of the product, no refunds will be issued on digital downloads. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at After your purchase, you will receive a confirmation email that contains a link to the download. You can also log into your account page (located under SHOP in the menu above) and download the item(s) there. </em>

photo via Kristina Gorokhova · Its how they say, “If you’re the most talented artist in the room, its time to move to another room“. ·“Treat art as a necessity, not a luxury” and other great nuggets of advice on […]

We are so happy to announce Bloom’s NEWEST photography learning platform….THE FLOURISH FELLOWSHIP. Flourish courses are learn-on-your-own downloadable learning materials such as PDFs, shooting videos, editing videos, webinars, etc. Bloom has always felt that student interaction is a must so […]