The Weekend Update 8.17.18
image via Hannah Terry
· There is no better way to encapsulate the sea than this.
· Before summer runs out, here are some tips on creating your best over/under water image.
· How to become Henri Cartier Bresson (or at least learn to zone focus like him)!
· As Nora Ephron said, “Everything is copy” and we’d suppose the same could be said for this.
· Sometimes the place where stress lives is in the same zip code as our happiness.
· Would you have hired Steve Jobs?
· As many of you are taking on back to school in the next few days, this read will help you out through the disorder of herding life’s cats.
· If you have never seen the mesmerizing baroque underwater photography of Christy Lee Rogers, boy are you in for a treat…
Have a most beautiful weekend and we hope you get to enjoy exactly where you are right now. xo