The Weekend Update : July 7

Well hey there! We’ve been working on a big overhaul for The Bloom Forum and Everything Bloom and we are pleased to announce that our upgrades are under way! Its been a long road but we know you all are going to find it super user friendly and you’ll enjoy all the new things coming your way real soon. As soon as the renovation is complete, we’ll post a highlight real of the new and improved! Now onto the Weekend Update…

via Sharon McKeeman
·Its pretty astounding that every single one of these 15 photos were taken with an iPhone.

· Helpful step-by-step instructions for color correcting for those bathed in blue underwater photos.

· Even if only for a few hours a day, try this super easy trick to curbing your time spent on your phone.

· We’re googoo over this gorgeous DIY slatted bench since it looks like the perfect place to land to beat the heat with a popsicle.

· I know a few people who should take the time to read this: How to Be Extremely Productive Without Getting Extremely Exhausted. Are you one of them?

· If you enter in your username on the ColorKuler site, it will extract a color palette from your Instagram profile.

· Gaffers Tape: a photographers best friend?

· Changes are coming and here are the big moves photographers should be watching for on Instagram.

We’re hoping you have one of this weekends that the best of summers are made of. We’ll see you back here on Monday! xo