The Weekend Update : Sept 15

It was another rough week as Irma has touched down on Florida and many of the surrounding states leaving many flooded from their homes and millions of Americans are still without power. These photos barely touch on the damage that was caused down south and many are in tough spot, depending on donations to get by. If you are interested in finding a reputable place to give, here is a list to help with the recovery.

· In honor of good people making good news, we had to share this awesome airline carrier and this lion hearted police officer.

· If you have ever wondered about what happens to the animals in zoos and aquariums during hurricanes, this NPR story will blow your mind.

· In a world of thousands of options, here is how to train yourself to be more focused.

· You guys! If you’ve been missing that old traditional Polaroid, you’re going to be stoked on this baby.

· How to spot bad clients before they become yours.

· Could the secret to metering with a flash be simpler than you think?

· iPhone X is going to scan your face. Yes, you read that right.

· It is about darn time for TONL, a brand new stock photo company that is challenging the overwhelming lack of diversity in stock photography.

Temps are dropping and we can tell you guys are really into it considering what’s coming across our feed at #thebloomforum. Keep em’ coming because we love following along with what you guys are up to. xo