Tuesday Tips #227 Building Vendor Relationships

Whether you are winding down from summer’s wedding season or you’re gearing up for upcoming fall and holiday sessions soon to be upon you, now is a good time to work in developing new, local vendor relationships. Just working on one new contact a month can make a huge difference in your bottom line this year!

This month, make a point to contact someone you have worked with in the past or maybe even a local business that has a similar style to you. Don’t work yourself into a frenzy here — just a simple email to tell them you enjoyed the experience you had while working with them or shopping with them will get the relationship off on the right foot. After that, maybe a morning coffee meet-up could be in order to trade marketing and to see how you two could pair up and brainstorm some ways to work together?

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.”
– Bill Nye