Tuesday Tips #254 : Taking on the Taxes

One of the most tedious but worth while deductions for small business owners and specifically us photographers is mileage. Driving to meet up with future clients, location scouting, or even just picking up supplies — it all counts. Let’s be honest though, in the past how often have you forgotten to log your mileage? That’s why we can’t rave enough about mileIQ. Download the app on your phone and it runs in the background automatically adding up your separate trips to and from wherever you go. Then, when you have a spare moment, you can run through your trips tagging what can be attributed to your business needs and negating the rest. You’re complete drive history is stored for all your IRS tax needs. With apps like these, there is simply no reason to skip out on your money saving mileage deduction.

“Beware of small expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.”
– Benjamin Franklin