Tuesday Tips #295 – Making the Most of Artificial Lighting

You may have noticed in the past few holiday seasons with the oncoming wave of LED lights that in some of your photos all of the lights may not appear to be “on”. This is because LED lights actually flicker on and off in waves very quickly, so quickly that it is invisible to the naked eye. Oh- but the camera sees all! LED flights flicker on and off at 1/60 of a second which means if you are photographing LED lights, your shutter speed should be at 1/60 or lower so that all bulbs are indeed on and visible. Unless you’re as cool as a cucumber, a tripod or a plush spot to lean against may be beneficial when shooting at this low shutter speed.

“You don’t have to swing hard to hit a home run. If you got the timing, it’ll go.”
-Yogi Berra