Tuesday Tips #332 – Photography Hacks

Professional photography gear costs thousands of dollars but don’t fret, you can take stunning pictures by spending only a fraction of the cost. For the month of September, we will be sharing some cool photography hacks so if you have the time and the patience, then these simple DIY hacks can achieve awesome results with very little to no money spent.

Shooting With A Prism:
1. A camera.
2. A triangular prism.

A rainbow appears when the light gets split up into its 7 different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Usually, the reason the light gets split up is because it is passing through a substance that bends the light. The different colored wavelengths bend in different amounts.

1. Find a room that lets in lots of direct sunlight.
2. Simply place the prism in front of your lens and move it around until you make a rainbow beam appear. This is definitely a trial and error thing so have fun moving the prism in different ways and exploring how to change the size of the rainbow.

“The only people who see the whole picture are the ones who step outside the frame.”
-Salman Rushdie