With new apps developing constantly it can be overwhelming to consider which ones will actually be helpful to you at this stage in the game. With 2016 coming to a close, we've rounded up our very favorite apps of this year, you know — the ones we actually kept on our phone for longer than a month? Check out this year's run down of our keepers and as always, if you have a favorite we shouldn't have missed, add it in the comments below because your favorites very often

If you have ever been handed the audacious task of shooting a group session, you know that assuming that your subjects will just fold in naturally creating the perfect triangle is a pure daydream. The old "planning makes perfect" is most certainly applied here. Prior to you shot, sketch out a few group set ups, building around your main subjects, such as the parents or business owners. If you are able to find out the heights of your subjects, all the better since your sketch will be more accurate and allow you

via Carey Pace · An entire blog dedicated to introverts to let them know they are perfectly great just the way they are. · This dad took his kid's drawing to a whole other level thanks to digital photo magic. · American Friends: On Tuesday, do you thing and get out the vote BECAUSE of her but more importantly, treat yo'self. · Overuse of electronics is endangering our kids' imaginations, hard not to think about what its doing ours as well

Our dedication to our members has always remained the day since we opened our doors: Bloom’s mission is to nurture the unique voice in each photographer through the kinship & support of our impassioned community of peers. We are dedicated to remaining a principle resource of education & inspiration in our innovative industry. So in keeping with our vision, we have created a new course, BLOOM BEGINNINGS, for several reasons. First, we wish to thank you for selecting Bloom in your photography education. Second, we believe

It's a new month and that means its a new collection of tips here on Everything Bloom. November is fondly remembered for its fall hues and the culinary delights of Thanksgiving but its also commonly held as the busiest month of the year for most photographers. Chances are if your one of those photographers, you've got more than a few families on the books in the next few weeks so this month we're talking about best practices for shooting groups. First and foremost, when you are shooting